Catholic Life and Mission
At St. Osmund's Catholic Primary School, we are called to love as a Catholic community at the service of the Church's educational mission. Explore how we are constantly striving to be the best version of ourselves in order that we can be the change makers and leaders God has called us to be.
Love for God ~ Love for Each Other ~ Love for Leaning
Charity Work
At St. Osmund's, we have a long successful history of supporting and leading charity work in our neighbourhood and with our brothers and sisters further afield. Take a look at some of our more recent activities. The children thrive on making a difference and there is a buzz of excitement and anticipation as to what we can achieve next so that we are Building the Kingdom!
Harvest Thanks - October
Our school Chaplains organised and led a harvest appeal supporting our local Trussell Trust charity. The donations collected make a massive difference to vulnerable people over Christmas. Hardship can affect anyone at any time and St Osmund’s has again shown how our mission to show love for each other is lived out. Here is our wonderful harvest display, celebrated in a liturgy on Wednesday 2nd October with Deacon John.
Armistice Day - 11 November
In school, we held a special assembly to remember those who serve in the armed forces. Our assembly service was led by Deacon John Proctor. We recognised the sacrifices made by members of the armed forces, both past and present. At the same time, our School Council and Chaplains represented the school at the Armistice Day Service in the Market Square. A year 6 Chaplain laid a wreath on behalf of the school at the Guildhall Memorial.
Charity Shoebox Appeal - December
Our Chaplaincy Team led a fantastic shoebox appeal and non-uniform day again this year as we donated a record amount of daily essentials for the homeless in Salisbury through Alabare; Alabare are a Christian Community who support thousands of people each year across our region. The values that lie at the heart of their work are care, compassion, generosity and respect.
Salisbury Railway Station Christmas Appeal - December
Our pupils were invited to sing a selection of Christmas Carols at Salisbury Railway Station as part of their 'Christmas Shoebox Appeal'. The children sang beautifully and really added to the Christmas atmosphere as passengers passed through the busy station, with many stopping to listen and enjoy the carols being sung, and taking a moment out of their day.
'Called to be a People of Hope'
2025 Jubilee Year - KS2 Carol Service
Our Year 3 to 6 children shared with their families the Christmas story at St Osmund’s Church. The children try to retell this story with reflections on what this means for us in the modern world. This year, their theme was Pope Francis’ call for us to be a ‘People of Hope’. The children delivered a superb service filled with rousing carol singing and reflections that give us all hope that collectively, we can all make a difference in our world. We are all so proud of the children who delivered a truly beautiful liturgy.